Keeping greenhouse gases from the atmosphere by collecting food waste in our parks and public places

Our children learn to compost at school, they compost at home, but when they visit most public areas and parks, their food scraps go into the trash because compost bins don't typically exist. By placing compost bins with children's artwork in parks and other public areas, Painted Bins is preventing food waste from going to the landfill, and greenhouse gases from going into the atmosphere, while educating people about the importance of composting.

QR codes on the Painted Bins provide information about food waste, composting and climate change, thereby educating the public about sustainability.


The Project

Painted Bins brings stakeholders together to help reduce food waste in public areas such as parks. Children’s artwork on the bins prompts people to stop, look and learn about the importance of composting food waste. Watch for announcements about the Painted Bins launch Spring 2023 in Corte Madera Town Park, Corte Madera, CA.


The Problem

Have you ever wondered what happens to your food scraps when they are thrown in the trash? They end up in the landfill and that is a BIG PROBLEM because the methane gas produced by food rotting in the landfill is 28x more potent at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.


Our Solution

By placing compost bins with inspirational art in parks and other public areas, Painted Bins closes the loop on the recycling of food and helps cities lead by example in the fight against food waste.

Painted Bins is a project of Sustainable Marin, a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization.


 Please Help Support Our Work

Financial donations of any size are graciously accepted and will help fund the Painted Bins expansion throughout Northern California. When you donate, you are helping Painted Bins fulfill our mission to keep food waste from the landfill and aiding in our fight against global warming by keeping methane gas from the atmosphere.

When you make an online donation, please indicate that your donation is to support Painted Bins.

Painted Bins is a program of Sustainable Marin a 501(c) (3) charitable nonprofit providing fiscal sponsorship.